Monday 17 December 2012

Foundation Portfolio
Research and Planning
1.           Create a mock-up of a music magazine cover.
2.         Review what you have learnt about layout, design, codes and conventions from the mock-up cover.
3.         Carry out audience research and post on your blog:
·       Questionnaire
·       Video
·       Online poll
·       Focus group
4.         Publish the findings of your audience research on your blog. – e.g. Slideshare
5.         Analyse a range of music magazine articles for your chosen genre and post your findings on your blog.
6.         Create a draft plan for your music magazine.
·       Masthead
·       Fonts
·       Cover-lines
·       Image plans
·       List of contents
·       Etc.
7.         Create rough design drafts of your magazine pages.
8.         Create all the images for each page of your magazine.
9.         Edit your images using Photoshop.
10.      Write your music magazine double page spread article.
Deadline: Friday, January 11th 2013